Why Choosing a Registered NDIS Provider is Important

NDIS Services

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a program that aims to provide support and assistance to people with disabilities. This program has been designed to increase the independence and participation of people with disabilities in society. If you are looking for an NDIS provider, it is important to choose a registered provider. In this blog post, we will explore why choosing a registered NDIS provider is important.

Quality assurance

NDIS registered providers need to comply with certain regulations and standards. By choosing a registered NDIS provider, you can be assured that you are receiving quality services. All NDIS providers must meet the requirements set by the Australian Government and the NDIA to ensure they provide the best possible support to participants.

Experienced staff

NDIS registered providers- Better Care Services have experienced staff who have undergone relevant training to provide NDIS services. These staff have a better understanding of the needs of NDIS participants and have been trained in providing support based on individual needs. By choosing us, you can be assured that your support workers have the necessary qualifications and experience to provide you with quality services.

Wide range of services

Registered NDIS providers offer a wide range of services to meet the needs of participants. These services may include assistance with daily living, transport, accessing the community, and more. A registered provider can offer tailored support based on individual needs, which can help participants achieve their goals and aspirations.

Greater transparency

NDIS-registered providers are required to follow strict guidelines when it comes to billing and invoicing. This means that you can be confident that you are being charged the correct amount for the services you receive. Furthermore, registered providers are obligated to provide clear and detailed information about the services they offer, which makes it easier for participants to make informed decisions about their support needs.

Continuity of service

Registered NDIS providers are required to meet certain standards when it comes to providing ongoing support. This means that you can rely on your registered provider to provide the same level of service over the long term. A registered provider can also offer support in different areas, such as mental health support, occupational therapy, and more, which can increase the chances of a participant achieving their goals.


Choosing us as your registered NDIS provider is an important decision for people with disabilities and their families. Registered providers offer quality assurance, experienced staff, a wide range of services, greater transparency, and continuity of service. By choosing a registered provider, you can have confidence that you are receiving quality services from experienced and qualified staff.